Saturday 24 April 2010

Angel Butts

I'm back in Plymouth now and the first thing I did was go into town and buy a copy of Supernatural magazine and head to the bookshop. I was sat on the floor of Waterstones for about an hour muttering to myself and flipping through a book of Enochian Magick, trying to decide if I should get that or 'Goth: Undead Subculture'. I went with the latter and it was the right choice. Not only was a couple of quid less expensive, but it could be useful for my module on sexualities next year. I could do my presentation on the goth subculture and fetishism. The problem with that is that one of the main researchers is called Angel Butts and I crack up laughing every time I read it or even think about it. If I had to actually say it aloud I would die.
Oh and there's a guy who calls himself 'Count Von Sexbat' but his real name is Simon.

1 comment:

  1. LOL :D I don't think I could read that with a straight face either. So, Enochian actually exists then?

    Your Supernatural-loving friend in Weston :D
