Friday 26 February 2010


Last night was very good. I didn't dance as I hadn't had nearly enough to drink (although I was drunk enough to continuously poke the security guard in the bum ((not that kind of poking, you sickos)). For some reason this amused me, but I woke up thinking 'Why the hell did I do that?'). We went home at around 3ish, half-carrying Roisin and watched Garth Marenghi's Darkplace for a bit.
I have my ficathon prompt (contest in which you choose one character and then are given another character from a seperate fandom and have to make them meet- a bit like consequences I suppose). I chose Louis de Point du Lac and was given Azazel, so this should be interesting. I was hoping to get a really cracky character, but I can make this one very dark. I can always add an element of crack in there if I want to. Vampire meets demon; anything could happen, surely?
This is the link, although you can not sign up anymore.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Shipping a Slash (or slashing a ship)

I am going out later. This is good. I hardly ever go out because I am half a hermit.
I am reading about Norse myth at the moment, it's very interesting. I bought a book on it a few years ago, which I never opened until I pulled it out of the cupboard yesterday.
Also, I realised that you can not ship a slash. Shipping means supporting a heterosexual relationship, slash refers to a homosexual one. Although I'll probably use both terms regardless. Depends.
I like the idea of slashing a ship. Ruining the ship by creating a far more plausible slash relationship. Yay.

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Gentle Tides

I am in the best place ever right now. You know when you've just finished a really amazing story? That feeling is the best feeling in the world. Those few moments when your head is filled with gentle waves as the memories of words lap back into your conciousness before drifting out to foreign lands.
This is one of the best fanfiction stories I have ever read ...

Sunday 14 February 2010

Obsession & Guilt

I'm posting too much. I apologise.
I feel a little bad for basically telling E.H and E.H2 that everyone hates them. Not for E.H, I doubt he gives a shit, and his voice coming through the floor ("Go on son, get him!") as he's watching football or some other sports game is annoying me, but for E.H2 (I know, this name-concealing thing is confusing). I've upset her, I think. But she hated me anyway; she's always quite rude and makes sneery remarks that you can barely catch under her breath. I really don't like her, but for some reason upsetting her makes me feel bad. It's very silly.
On a plus note, however, I'm writing fanfiction again (this is good for me, but perhaps not so good for anyone who tries to read it); realising the Dean/Castiel ship has made me even more obsessed with the show than I already was.

Saturday 13 February 2010

My Ship

This is the last one today; I promise.

I've found my Supernatural ship. I've read Sam/Dean, but I guess the incest thing doesn't work for me. Plus it makes it a little out of character a lot of the time.
I can't believe I didn't realise it before, but Dean/Castiel works incredibly well. Just take a couple of minutes to watch the interaction. You'll see what I mean. Castiel even disobeyed for him! It's love.

A Conversation

Carol, it's not good to anger people whom you have to share living space with. You can't avoid them, you're just making things more awkward. Not to mention Monday's lessons with E.H2. You have to discuss things with her, there's even a possibility you'll have to sit next to her again.

It was awkward anyway. I haven't made things worse.

You appear two-faced. You've basically told them you hate them, yet you're still polite to them.

There's no need to be rude. She wanted to know what the problems we had with them were. I gave her a list. It's up to her whether she wants to make a renewed effort. I'm not going to be horrible to them, that wouldn't help anything. And besides, it comes more naturally to me to be polite than to be rude. If I see them, I say hello. I'm not forcing anything.

They're angry with you.

I'm angry with them. We're all angry with them. They should know that. If no one tells them what they're like then they can't change. An individual progresses or changes through realisations about themselves and the world around them. They seem not to see the world, so it has to be them.

This sucks.

Yeah, it does.

My Bloody Valentine

I bought some cookies and then I sat down to watch the latest episode of supernatural. I then started to wish I hadn't already eaten two. The whole famine thing made me feel really gross. It was amazing, I loved it. But I think that from now on I will only re-watch this episode BEFORE eating.
Can't believe they're going on another break. Because of the olympics. As if I needed another reason to hate sport.

Friday 12 February 2010


My daylight fantasies of attacking my housemates have gone beyond the sunlight. They've entered my nighttime dreams too. This is getting ridiculous.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Poetry, Scones and Tea

Poetry went well on Tuesday. I handed in 'Pogo the Clown'; there was enough criticism to be constructive. I was very nervous, spent most of the lesson frantically doodling. When mine was handed out (they're done anonymously) there was a slight division of opionion. The girl next to me, Charlotte T. shouted out 'Oh my god! It's about a paedophile!' and I don't think I went entirely red so that's an accomplishment right there. It turns out most people don't know about serial killers. John Wayne Gacy was a new name to most; I am a freak. Hooray. But it went well, people liked it. With criticism.

We made scones today. They went well and were yummy ^^. There were 10. We have two left. So we ate about four each.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Seeing Red

I wasn't going to make this a post, but I can't help myself.
E.H's girlfriend, (who should now be E.H2, but we'll just call her bitch-face) is a total fucking cunt. I hate her. I want her to die. I want to pull her hair out and smash her face in the fridge door.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Pogo the Clown

Poetry this morning was very good; we read peoples' poems and discussed conventions and whatnot. I wrote one that I may or may not hand in:
Pogo the Clown
I don't know if I should, as people might not get what it's about- I've no idea how many people have a basic knowledge of American serial killers. If I write something better then I'll use that I suppose.
I'm trying to watch a video of 'Dexter', but it still hasn't loaded completely. It would be very annoying if I got halfway through and then couldn't watch the end.