Wednesday 13 January 2010


My housemate, Charlotte has the Devonshire flag in her room, or at least a picture of it; so I was wondering what the ones for Somerset and North Somerset were (I still can't decide where my allegiance lies). Somerset's is a bit of a gay looking dragon prancing about with a mace. Avon/North Somerset doesn't really seem to have a flag, but I did find Avon's coat of arms, which is really cool.
I had my last exam today; I don't think it went too badly, which of course means it probably went horrifically and I've failed.
I was actually happy today. There was no reason for it at all (this was even before I'd taken the exam), I just felt so ecstactically happy; everything seemed so beautiful. I don't know why.

1 comment:

  1. You must have been extremely excited about the last exam being over that you were rather happy before it began..!
    Glad it went well....!!
