Monday, 21 June 2010


It was always assumed that I would just go straight on into university, and that my brother and sister would too. Now that they've decided not to go my parents act as though it's some ponsy thing to go to university. I hate that. And I also hate the transition from having a good conversation every day with people you like to coming home and finding no one has any idea what you're talking about. As soon as I even mention a book they all switch off, no matter how much I skirt around it or dumb it down. It's incredibly frustrating and I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots some times. And that's saying something because I'm not exactly the brightest tool in the box. Well, maybe I am in this box.

I'm doing my training days at the moment for a school placement that starts on the 29th. It's quite good and I've met someone who's placed at the same school as me so that's pretty good.

I'm supposed to do a presentation tomorrow and after spending an hour and a half gathering together pictures on the computer to use for it my mother came along and deleted the lot. Then I spent the same time again trying to find the pictures that she'd lost and I go to print it out only to find that the ink's run out and we have no replacement cartridges left. Now it's almost 10pm and I have nothing so I'm going to have to wake up at 6am in order to use the library printers and get my stuff together before presenting it all at 9.

1 comment:

  1. hope you got it sorted out after. I wont's say you are surrounded by idiots. It's good to be individual and going to university being the only one makes you more original from the family. So i guess thats the bright side of it... =]
