I finished my 3 weeks placement at a secondary school in Wells. As awesome as the school was (with freakily well-behaved kids), it totally sucked. There just wasn't anything for me to do. I think I managed to get away from the back of the class in all of 5, maybe 6 lessons. The most interesting hours in the last 2 weeks were the ones spent doing paperwork, or 'resourcing'.
But once I fill in the last page on my form and send it off, I'll get £600 so it wasn't for nothing. And I know I'm probably not fit for teaching now, at least. I can't be certain, since I didn't do any teaching, but I don't think it's really for me. I haven't the patience.
I'm going to Camp Bestival next weekend. I was sad enough to actually make a list of all the things I'll need to take, and there's a lot. It has to fit in one bag so I expect I'll be cutting it down any way.
I'm participating in a sickeningly sweet multi-fandom challenge at the moment. Schmoop Bingo. I can't really write schmoop, but I liked the idea of getting a card and stuff.
See the schmoop! It's multi-fandom so there'll be something for everyone, and you can still request a card if you want to.
God knows what I'll do for most of my prompts. I tried to do one of them already, and it ended up as crazy Greek crack.
I'm kind of trying to write at the moment, but my brother's playing his godawful music super loud through his headphones and I can't concetrate with that kind of noise going on. I might go and punch him now.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Friday, 25 June 2010
Monday, 21 June 2010
It was always assumed that I would just go straight on into university, and that my brother and sister would too. Now that they've decided not to go my parents act as though it's some ponsy thing to go to university. I hate that. And I also hate the transition from having a good conversation every day with people you like to coming home and finding no one has any idea what you're talking about. As soon as I even mention a book they all switch off, no matter how much I skirt around it or dumb it down. It's incredibly frustrating and I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots some times. And that's saying something because I'm not exactly the brightest tool in the box. Well, maybe I am in this box.
I'm doing my training days at the moment for a school placement that starts on the 29th. It's quite good and I've met someone who's placed at the same school as me so that's pretty good.
I'm supposed to do a presentation tomorrow and after spending an hour and a half gathering together pictures on the computer to use for it my mother came along and deleted the lot. Then I spent the same time again trying to find the pictures that she'd lost and I go to print it out only to find that the ink's run out and we have no replacement cartridges left. Now it's almost 10pm and I have nothing so I'm going to have to wake up at 6am in order to use the library printers and get my stuff together before presenting it all at 9.
I'm doing my training days at the moment for a school placement that starts on the 29th. It's quite good and I've met someone who's placed at the same school as me so that's pretty good.
I'm supposed to do a presentation tomorrow and after spending an hour and a half gathering together pictures on the computer to use for it my mother came along and deleted the lot. Then I spent the same time again trying to find the pictures that she'd lost and I go to print it out only to find that the ink's run out and we have no replacement cartridges left. Now it's almost 10pm and I have nothing so I'm going to have to wake up at 6am in order to use the library printers and get my stuff together before presenting it all at 9.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
I've been home for less than a fortnight and I already feel sick. Having my family around me makes me emotionally weak and ill. I hate it and I know I just have to put up with this gnawing feeling in my chest and throat because I've got another 4 months before my lease in Plymouth begins. It's not that I don't like seeing my family, but prolonged contact isn't good for me.
As well as this sick feeling I'm being driven up the wall by my sister nicking my DVDs the whole time (I'm a little anal about my books and films and she doesn't look after them), my mother keeps yelling at us and my brother is being a royal twat at the moment, calling me a bitch and a slut to his friends on the other end of his computer microphone. And my brother's the sibling I do get on with.
Hardly any of my friends are around until mid June/early July and although I do have another month on the lease of Penrose Street, I don't really want to share breathing space with Matt and Kim again. When I was there I couldn't wait for the year to be over so I could get away from them and I'm still glad I don't have too see them any more, but I don't really want to be here either.
Sometimes I want to just burn all my stuff. To set it all alight because I'm too attached to it and it holds me back. I'd like to keep my books (and my films if I could but primarily my books). I want to up and leave everything behind, but I've got too many attachments, and that's more to places and 'stuff' than to people, but still I feel like I couldn't just leave it all, because I have emotional connections to it (guess it probably says something about me that I feel more connection to objects than to people). Perhaps this Summer holiday I will go through my stuff and throw away anything that I don't want to keep, then I could at least limit my things to a few shelves and boxes, because when it comes down to it, I don't think there's that much that I value outside of my bookshelves.
I just really don't want to be one of these people that nests, that surrounds themselves with things instead of experiences. I just want to get on a train and get off at some random stop up North and then walk. Just get completely lost. It's not like I'd be leaving anything important behind, because everything that I need, and I mean really need would easily fit into a single (although probably large) backpack.
As well as this sick feeling I'm being driven up the wall by my sister nicking my DVDs the whole time (I'm a little anal about my books and films and she doesn't look after them), my mother keeps yelling at us and my brother is being a royal twat at the moment, calling me a bitch and a slut to his friends on the other end of his computer microphone. And my brother's the sibling I do get on with.
Hardly any of my friends are around until mid June/early July and although I do have another month on the lease of Penrose Street, I don't really want to share breathing space with Matt and Kim again. When I was there I couldn't wait for the year to be over so I could get away from them and I'm still glad I don't have too see them any more, but I don't really want to be here either.
Sometimes I want to just burn all my stuff. To set it all alight because I'm too attached to it and it holds me back. I'd like to keep my books (and my films if I could but primarily my books). I want to up and leave everything behind, but I've got too many attachments, and that's more to places and 'stuff' than to people, but still I feel like I couldn't just leave it all, because I have emotional connections to it (guess it probably says something about me that I feel more connection to objects than to people). Perhaps this Summer holiday I will go through my stuff and throw away anything that I don't want to keep, then I could at least limit my things to a few shelves and boxes, because when it comes down to it, I don't think there's that much that I value outside of my bookshelves.
I just really don't want to be one of these people that nests, that surrounds themselves with things instead of experiences. I just want to get on a train and get off at some random stop up North and then walk. Just get completely lost. It's not like I'd be leaving anything important behind, because everything that I need, and I mean really need would easily fit into a single (although probably large) backpack.
Speculations on Gender
In sociology classes we get these lectures on feminism, and so much of it I think 'bullshit, that's rubbish'. A lot of it I honestly can't see, or if I can see then I can think of an equal argument for discrimination against men. I think you have to be careful with feminism, because people tend to see it everywhere and it's easy to make tenuous links. But sometimes, I wish I hadn't been born female, and I have to wonder why that is. Maybe part of it is that men are naturally, physically stronger, but then I don't think that's everything. Part of it is poetry. When I think of poetry, I think of men. A lot of people see it as a feminine activity but I've always seen it as masculine, and sometimes I feel like a poet with a woman's name wouldn't be taken as seriously, which may or may not be total rubbish, but it's just a thought, and when being objective about these things, you have to at least take subjective feeling into account.
Emotion, as well, I feel is somehow less when it's female emotion. Women are expected to cry, to display their feelings, and I don't really do that, but when I do I feel like I'm being 'girly' and that my feelings would somehow mean less. When I'm writing characters as well, I focus on male protagonist and antagonists because their emotions are more interesting to me. I feel that whatever female character I may write would end up seeming weak and not a little pathetic, and then if they didn't display their emotion it'd seem like I was trying too hard to make them more masculine.
I'm not sure if I think men and women are unequal in society, but I do think that the gender divide makes things difficult and confusing, and in popular culture that divide just keeps getting wider even though differences in opportunity are narrowing. Men are objectified just as much as women in society, but I guess when you're female it's easier to see the objectification and exploitation of women. I don't really think that exploitation is there anymore, and society is increasingly less patriarchal, although it's mostly men in charge, I don't think that really shows anything significant. It's gonna take a while for women to get into positions of power because it's to do with socialisation and they have to work their way up there. You wouldn't want a woman in charge just because she was a woman if she wasn't competent at her job.
I never used to see myself as feminist, I would have called myself a 'masculinist', because I always hated how people could say things like 'men are only thinking of one thing' and 'men are all pigs' and then moan about the marginalisation of women and how we're viewed negatively by men (and thinking about it, why should women be defined by how men see them?) But recently I've realised that feminist and masculinist means, or at least should mean the same thing, so I could say that I'm a feminist too, because it's about equality and the study of gender differences. I might not make 'studies' of it, but it's one of the things I think about, although I don't mention it much in conversation because feminism has a bad press, and when you start talking about it it makes you seem like a twat, even though it's a 'big issue' in society and these points are perfectly valid points to make.
Emotion, as well, I feel is somehow less when it's female emotion. Women are expected to cry, to display their feelings, and I don't really do that, but when I do I feel like I'm being 'girly' and that my feelings would somehow mean less. When I'm writing characters as well, I focus on male protagonist and antagonists because their emotions are more interesting to me. I feel that whatever female character I may write would end up seeming weak and not a little pathetic, and then if they didn't display their emotion it'd seem like I was trying too hard to make them more masculine.
I'm not sure if I think men and women are unequal in society, but I do think that the gender divide makes things difficult and confusing, and in popular culture that divide just keeps getting wider even though differences in opportunity are narrowing. Men are objectified just as much as women in society, but I guess when you're female it's easier to see the objectification and exploitation of women. I don't really think that exploitation is there anymore, and society is increasingly less patriarchal, although it's mostly men in charge, I don't think that really shows anything significant. It's gonna take a while for women to get into positions of power because it's to do with socialisation and they have to work their way up there. You wouldn't want a woman in charge just because she was a woman if she wasn't competent at her job.
I never used to see myself as feminist, I would have called myself a 'masculinist', because I always hated how people could say things like 'men are only thinking of one thing' and 'men are all pigs' and then moan about the marginalisation of women and how we're viewed negatively by men (and thinking about it, why should women be defined by how men see them?) But recently I've realised that feminist and masculinist means, or at least should mean the same thing, so I could say that I'm a feminist too, because it's about equality and the study of gender differences. I might not make 'studies' of it, but it's one of the things I think about, although I don't mention it much in conversation because feminism has a bad press, and when you start talking about it it makes you seem like a twat, even though it's a 'big issue' in society and these points are perfectly valid points to make.
Monday, 3 May 2010
I got my sociology essay back the other day and was pleased to find that I got 65%, which was a big relief because I'd thought I'd only get something like 53% on it because I barely did any work, didn't include much policy and of course wrote it all the day before it was due in. However, the essay I just handed in will certainly not do as well because my Dystopias lecturer has high standards for work. The fact that we had to make up our own question threw me completely so what I did was far too loosely connected to the crappy question I wrote down. I realised my mistake and tried to change the question to fit the essay better and I think I just made it worse. Hopefully I wont fail, but I guess we'll see.
I went for a walk today. I don't think I've ever even been for a proper walk in Plymouth (meaning one that doesn't involve shopping or bar crawling). It was really nice, although it did sort of highlight the fact that I am terribly unfit. I was only out for about an hour and a half and my legs ache quite a bit now. I guess I'll have to walk more often. I like going for walks, but I'm very lazy.
I wanted to check out some fields I saw at the back of the train station, so I found those and it was through a park and a little wooded area. I could see gravestones glistening in the sunlight through the trees so naturally I made my way toward them, but the graveyard has gates that they lock after 6:30! I was gonna jump over the wall but then a couple of chavily dressed people sat down on the bench table next to the only piece of wall low enough for me to climb over and started having a barbeque so I guess I'll have to go back another time, maybe when the place is actually open. Since when did dead people require visiting hours?
I went for a walk today. I don't think I've ever even been for a proper walk in Plymouth (meaning one that doesn't involve shopping or bar crawling). It was really nice, although it did sort of highlight the fact that I am terribly unfit. I was only out for about an hour and a half and my legs ache quite a bit now. I guess I'll have to walk more often. I like going for walks, but I'm very lazy.
I wanted to check out some fields I saw at the back of the train station, so I found those and it was through a park and a little wooded area. I could see gravestones glistening in the sunlight through the trees so naturally I made my way toward them, but the graveyard has gates that they lock after 6:30! I was gonna jump over the wall but then a couple of chavily dressed people sat down on the bench table next to the only piece of wall low enough for me to climb over and started having a barbeque so I guess I'll have to go back another time, maybe when the place is actually open. Since when did dead people require visiting hours?
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Angel Butts
I'm back in Plymouth now and the first thing I did was go into town and buy a copy of Supernatural magazine and head to the bookshop. I was sat on the floor of Waterstones for about an hour muttering to myself and flipping through a book of Enochian Magick, trying to decide if I should get that or 'Goth: Undead Subculture'. I went with the latter and it was the right choice. Not only was a couple of quid less expensive, but it could be useful for my module on sexualities next year. I could do my presentation on the goth subculture and fetishism. The problem with that is that one of the main researchers is called Angel Butts and I crack up laughing every time I read it or even think about it. If I had to actually say it aloud I would die.
Oh and there's a guy who calls himself 'Count Von Sexbat' but his real name is Simon.
Oh and there's a guy who calls himself 'Count Von Sexbat' but his real name is Simon.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
So, I have one essay, six poems with a 700 word commentary on each to complete, two books to read and two exams to revise for. The next couple of weeks should be a lark.
However, today I'm writing fic. To be honest, what I am writing squicks me out, but I was reading something that had a really good premise, but the writing was terrible. So much repition and long, overflowy dialogue from characters that are supposed to at least pretend to be more stoic than that. I felt I was screaming at the screen when a particulary godawful horror flick is one, the one where you're like 'oh for god's sake, woman, DON'T go into the woods!'
So I thought I'd write something with a similar outline, although I have to say it's not the same, not at all. Not the same plot, just the same genre.
And yeah, what I've written creeps me out, and I think if I was looking for fics to read, I'd probably avoid this one.
This is what I do with my spare time x_x or rather, my time that really should not be spare because I have more important things/work that I ought to fill it with.
However, today I'm writing fic. To be honest, what I am writing squicks me out, but I was reading something that had a really good premise, but the writing was terrible. So much repition and long, overflowy dialogue from characters that are supposed to at least pretend to be more stoic than that. I felt I was screaming at the screen when a particulary godawful horror flick is one, the one where you're like 'oh for god's sake, woman, DON'T go into the woods!'
So I thought I'd write something with a similar outline, although I have to say it's not the same, not at all. Not the same plot, just the same genre.
And yeah, what I've written creeps me out, and I think if I was looking for fics to read, I'd probably avoid this one.
This is what I do with my spare time x_x or rather, my time that really should not be spare because I have more important things/work that I ought to fill it with.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
Dark Side of the Moon
I'm feeling better about my name. It might be really very boring, but at least it has some horror film references, e.g. Poltergeist. Aaand said reference was mentioned in Supernatural this week, so now I'm all like ... happy!face =P
Oh and I don't know if I've written about this before but I have paid for my Supernatural Asylum 5 convention tickets. Annoyingly they don't send confirmation until about four weeks before the event (WHYFORGOD'SSAKEWHY???) so I'll have to e-mail them and ask them about it before I book the hotel room (which is non-refundable).
It should be a good event, Misha Collins will be there (who I may or may not be slightly in love with), not to mention all the other awesome people that are there (Anna, Gabriel, Azazel; YAY!)
Oh and I don't know if I've written about this before but I have paid for my Supernatural Asylum 5 convention tickets. Annoyingly they don't send confirmation until about four weeks before the event (WHYFORGOD'SSAKEWHY???) so I'll have to e-mail them and ask them about it before I book the hotel room (which is non-refundable).
It should be a good event, Misha Collins will be there (who I may or may not be slightly in love with), not to mention all the other awesome people that are there (Anna, Gabriel, Azazel; YAY!)
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Team Steals
Great night out in Taunton yesterday, courtesy of the wonderful Miss Powell who lives at Toad Hall. Jemma and I played Team Steals.
I unscrewed an LED light from the toilets and kept that, it will come in handy since I have no night light at the moment. I also got a piece of paper that was taped to the window (but it was only a job advertisement) and one of the long mats from the bar top. It's all sticky and needs washing, but I'm keeping that too.
Jemma won. She also got a bar mat; a light bulb that doesn't work; a shard of a 'No Smoking' sign (No King); a laminated 'it is illegal to sell liquor to under 18s' sign; one of the containers on the bar top that hold serviettes, straws and cocktail stirrers; an inflatable cowboy hat from a random boy we met in the street, and a plate that she swiped from a pile behind stacked just behind the bar.
Clearly, my effort was pitiful. I blame the teeny tiny bag I was carrying rather than sheer cowardice.
I unscrewed an LED light from the toilets and kept that, it will come in handy since I have no night light at the moment. I also got a piece of paper that was taped to the window (but it was only a job advertisement) and one of the long mats from the bar top. It's all sticky and needs washing, but I'm keeping that too.
Jemma won. She also got a bar mat; a light bulb that doesn't work; a shard of a 'No Smoking' sign (No King); a laminated 'it is illegal to sell liquor to under 18s' sign; one of the containers on the bar top that hold serviettes, straws and cocktail stirrers; an inflatable cowboy hat from a random boy we met in the street, and a plate that she swiped from a pile behind stacked just behind the bar.
Clearly, my effort was pitiful. I blame the teeny tiny bag I was carrying rather than sheer cowardice.
Friday, 26 March 2010
Red Peppers are the Devil's Testicles
I just came back from an evening of strange and wonderful poetry at the Barbican Theatre in Plymouth. Our lecturer, Paul, managed to arrange ten tickets for the class to go free :D
We saw:
Rob Auton
The Poeticats
as well as Kayo Chingonyi and Jean Binta Breeze.
It was all very interesting, and funny (:
Also, watch this video: Stranger Danger.
It's not the end that disturbs me, that all seems fairly logical, but the little girl sniffing the pink flower really creeps me out.
We saw:
Rob Auton
The Poeticats
as well as Kayo Chingonyi and Jean Binta Breeze.
It was all very interesting, and funny (:
Also, watch this video: Stranger Danger.
It's not the end that disturbs me, that all seems fairly logical, but the little girl sniffing the pink flower really creeps me out.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
The Wooden Bull
Interview went well. The location was weird. The directions said 'left at traffic lights after the Inn and past the wooden bull'. So I found the inn, walked back to where the bus had dropped me off, wandered down this road where the only obvious building was a dairy, and then ended up at this weird farmers market. I found the door, walked in and there were a lot of older people in wellingtons and overalls, with a few young people in smart clothes lingering by the doors looking doubtful. I followed a couple of girls and found where I was meant to be and sat down to wait. A lot of the people waiting were really chatty, so we exchanged information about universities and wondered what the interview would be like. We were in groups of three, and they did ask some awkward questions. I made up a total bullshit lie on one of them, making my brother sound like some kind of hapless retard that I help out with rather than ignore. I panicked, okay? Anyway, it worked because as I was on the train back I got a phone call saying I'd gotten a place on the scheme, subject to my locating certain documents that I've lost and must immediately get replacements for. That is my task for tomorrow. Get them to resend a paper copy of my driving license, get a new National Insurance card and a bank statement sent to my Somerset address.
One of the girls from the interview was also heading to the train station, so it was that weird phenomenon that you sometimes see on public transport, where you can't quite tell if the two people in front or behind you are friends, but then one gets up and says 'nice to meet you,' and gets off the train. We had lunch and then she got on her train and I hung around for mine. She was very lovely, had gingery hair and freckles and had been travelling to all sorts of interesting places, such as India, and went to university in London. She'd come from the capital the night before the interview- way more hectic than my travel arrangements. She spoke very well, and seemed really enthusiastic. We sat in the little portable diner at the train station, drinking tea out of chunky 'Dave's Diner' mugs, her flipping through a copy of Heat or Hello, commenting every now and again, me apearing a little dense, asking 'who's that?' at every other picture she stopped on, the only person that I really recognised being Keanu Reeves; he had long hair in the picture, which looked odd. I think the girl's name was Rachel, but I am not certain.
We had a lecture by Gavin Smith this evening, he talked about islands as places of potential and as dystopias, and spoke a little about his book 'DogFellow's Ghost', which we are studying in class. It was very interesting. He was a good speaker and quite funny. There was free wine, but only a small glass, so no, that didn't alter my perception of the talk.
On the way to the bus I was stopped by a strange man who looked as though he was going to walk into me, but air-kissed the side of my face instead and walked off.
I've decided that I'm probably not going to do that Louis-meets-Azazel fic. I'm involved in an AU school!verse for Supernatural. I love my beta for it, she's really helpful, and says she will call me Cas because I don't understand any of her pop culture references; XD makes me feel kind of awesome instead of inadequate.
Now I must retire to bed as I have a poetry seminar tomorrow at 10.
For some reason the word 'dystopia' comes up as wrong on my spell checker. The suggested revision is 'dustpan'.
One of the girls from the interview was also heading to the train station, so it was that weird phenomenon that you sometimes see on public transport, where you can't quite tell if the two people in front or behind you are friends, but then one gets up and says 'nice to meet you,' and gets off the train. We had lunch and then she got on her train and I hung around for mine. She was very lovely, had gingery hair and freckles and had been travelling to all sorts of interesting places, such as India, and went to university in London. She'd come from the capital the night before the interview- way more hectic than my travel arrangements. She spoke very well, and seemed really enthusiastic. We sat in the little portable diner at the train station, drinking tea out of chunky 'Dave's Diner' mugs, her flipping through a copy of Heat or Hello, commenting every now and again, me apearing a little dense, asking 'who's that?' at every other picture she stopped on, the only person that I really recognised being Keanu Reeves; he had long hair in the picture, which looked odd. I think the girl's name was Rachel, but I am not certain.
We had a lecture by Gavin Smith this evening, he talked about islands as places of potential and as dystopias, and spoke a little about his book 'DogFellow's Ghost', which we are studying in class. It was very interesting. He was a good speaker and quite funny. There was free wine, but only a small glass, so no, that didn't alter my perception of the talk.
On the way to the bus I was stopped by a strange man who looked as though he was going to walk into me, but air-kissed the side of my face instead and walked off.
I've decided that I'm probably not going to do that Louis-meets-Azazel fic. I'm involved in an AU school!verse for Supernatural. I love my beta for it, she's really helpful, and says she will call me Cas because I don't understand any of her pop culture references; XD makes me feel kind of awesome instead of inadequate.
Now I must retire to bed as I have a poetry seminar tomorrow at 10.
For some reason the word 'dystopia' comes up as wrong on my spell checker. The suggested revision is 'dustpan'.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Good Day?
I had my presentation today. Executed amid yawns and blank faces, but it is over and done with now. I didn't make eye contact but at least I didn't forget anything. Our lecturer asked some awkward questions that I don't think are to be taken as a good sign.
Went into town and spent money, on clothes of all things. I went straight to H&M since that's the only place I know of where I can find something without having trawl through everything. So I have two new tee-shirts, a suit jacket and a new necklace (that looks more like something my sister would wear, but it's pretty and old fashioned and was cheap so I am happy). I did hurt my shoulder trying to get out of a stupid dress. It actually looked quite nice but no way am I buying something that is that difficult to get out of (you can make your own joke here).
Came home after buying food and realised I'd locked myself out of my house and room, my phone battery had died so I couldn't call anyone and I had to sit in the street and wait for someone to come home. Luckily Matt and Kim came home about ten minutes later and let me in, and Matt was very lovely and broke into my room for me, which was very nice of him, especially considering the fact that we really don't get on at all. I am going to override my natural suspicion and make a new start concerning them, which shouldn't be too hard since it's two weeks until the Easter holidays and then only 4 weeks until Summer.
I have chicken goujons and baked beans (I know, fancy eh?) and ginger beer which is the best thing ever right now, although while I was looking for my fork I realised that Henry was eating with it. I very nearly freaked out entirely, but I am perfectly well grounded and so I waited for him to leave before I started muttering to myself; I just banged a few drawers to let him know I was looking for it. If it was Charlotte or someone using it, it wouldn't freak me out anywhere near as much, but because I don't know him it makes this horrible knot in my chest and I panic.
I will remember the good parts of my day and watch series one of Skins. That will make it better :)
Went into town and spent money, on clothes of all things. I went straight to H&M since that's the only place I know of where I can find something without having trawl through everything. So I have two new tee-shirts, a suit jacket and a new necklace (that looks more like something my sister would wear, but it's pretty and old fashioned and was cheap so I am happy). I did hurt my shoulder trying to get out of a stupid dress. It actually looked quite nice but no way am I buying something that is that difficult to get out of (you can make your own joke here).
Came home after buying food and realised I'd locked myself out of my house and room, my phone battery had died so I couldn't call anyone and I had to sit in the street and wait for someone to come home. Luckily Matt and Kim came home about ten minutes later and let me in, and Matt was very lovely and broke into my room for me, which was very nice of him, especially considering the fact that we really don't get on at all. I am going to override my natural suspicion and make a new start concerning them, which shouldn't be too hard since it's two weeks until the Easter holidays and then only 4 weeks until Summer.
I have chicken goujons and baked beans (I know, fancy eh?) and ginger beer which is the best thing ever right now, although while I was looking for my fork I realised that Henry was eating with it. I very nearly freaked out entirely, but I am perfectly well grounded and so I waited for him to leave before I started muttering to myself; I just banged a few drawers to let him know I was looking for it. If it was Charlotte or someone using it, it wouldn't freak me out anywhere near as much, but because I don't know him it makes this horrible knot in my chest and I panic.
I will remember the good parts of my day and watch series one of Skins. That will make it better :)
Sunday, 14 March 2010
The Crux
The presentation seems to be coming along okay despite having spent the entire weekend procrastinating. Whilst I was doing so I came across this interesting short film:
Now I shall go and ponder with tea and biscuits.
Now I shall go and ponder with tea and biscuits.
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Victorian Slang
My cousin sent me this link yesterday. Victorian sex slang. It brings a whole new meaning to the act of finding a cab after a night out.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Work Overload
Okay, so I'm really struggling with my work now. My strategy for dealing with this work overload so far seems to be to ignore it, which really doesn't help. Thankfully, after Monday, I wont have any deadlines for 6 weeks, which will give me a chance to sort out my poetry stuff and catch up with my reading for Dark Futures.
I got an interview for the Student Associate Scheme, but it's on a day I specifically said I couldn't do, so I have to miss my lecture in the morning, and then get back to Plymouth for 5:30 in order to go to the Gavin Smith talk. If the interview is any time after 2:30 then I can't do it; 600 quid or no. I suppose, really it'd be more beneficial to go to the interview, but I'm not even certain that I want it. I'm only doing it for work experience to get onto a PGCE and not because I actually want to do it. Plus, my mum isn't around that day, so I will have no lifts at all. I'll have to take my suitcase to the interview, which will involve me catching two busses to get to in the first place, then I'll have to rush to the train station in order to get back in time, still in my smart clothes. Not happy.
Now it is time to brave Illich and powerpoint presentations. Good day.
I got an interview for the Student Associate Scheme, but it's on a day I specifically said I couldn't do, so I have to miss my lecture in the morning, and then get back to Plymouth for 5:30 in order to go to the Gavin Smith talk. If the interview is any time after 2:30 then I can't do it; 600 quid or no. I suppose, really it'd be more beneficial to go to the interview, but I'm not even certain that I want it. I'm only doing it for work experience to get onto a PGCE and not because I actually want to do it. Plus, my mum isn't around that day, so I will have no lifts at all. I'll have to take my suitcase to the interview, which will involve me catching two busses to get to in the first place, then I'll have to rush to the train station in order to get back in time, still in my smart clothes. Not happy.
Now it is time to brave Illich and powerpoint presentations. Good day.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Two of my favourite poems at the moment:
'Bird in the Chimney' by Stephen Devereux
'Baby Pants' by Misha Collins
'Bird in the Chimney' by Stephen Devereux
'Baby Pants' by Misha Collins
I am hiding out in my room. I feel like crap right now and E.H has a bunch of friends round, they're all laughing in the back 'garden' and I can hear them through the window. My paranoia is rearing its foul face again and I feel like they're all laughing at me, even though I can hear what they are saying. Whenever I miss a word I get that creeping panic. I have to go downstairs in ten minutes to get food out of the oven. I hope they are gone by then.
I hate this.
I hate this.
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Feeling crappy due to sore throat and a stuffy head, not to mention work overload. I've finished for the night. I sat in the kitchen because I couldn't concentrate amongst the clutter of my room. I sat there for 6 hours, typing away and flipping through the gargantuan pile of books (10) beside me. Too much, man. This essay is killing me, mostly because of the amount of procrastination I've been doing on it. I guess that's a stress thing. I never thought of myself as some one who gets stressed over work, but I guess I am; probably only because I know that this year counts. GCSEs and A levels ... no one really looks at those, they're just stepping stones leading up to this. I am in the final level of a game here- the points I gather in this section make my final score.
I thought I would read a fanfic to make myself feel better. I found a really amazing one here, but it isn't exactly cheery. Still, I do feel better for having read it, just because it is so perfect.
I think that once this essay is done (and the presentation for next week), I will take a break from the computer, perhaps just for a day or two. Of course I still have poetry to edit, so I can't make it too long. Oh, and fanfiction to write because I have deadlines for those too. Not that I mind that, these latter are fun deadlines (:
I thought I would read a fanfic to make myself feel better. I found a really amazing one here, but it isn't exactly cheery. Still, I do feel better for having read it, just because it is so perfect.
I think that once this essay is done (and the presentation for next week), I will take a break from the computer, perhaps just for a day or two. Of course I still have poetry to edit, so I can't make it too long. Oh, and fanfiction to write because I have deadlines for those too. Not that I mind that, these latter are fun deadlines (:
Thursday, 4 March 2010
I am so tired. This is a common complaint of mine, but usually it is due to an 'unsociable' sleeping pattern and too many hours in bed. Now I have a socially acceptable pattern but I am only getting seven or eight hours a night and that isn't enough. My most productive time of the day is the evening but now I am just so tired when that comes around. I keep waking up at 9 even though I want a lie in. It's so annoying, and even if I go to bed early I can't sleep for three or four hours due to my hard mattress and the inability to switch off my brain.
I want to read Dead Until Dark and edit my newest poem but I can't because I have this stupid essay due in for Monday (which I still am not clear about- but my teacher is a pile of poo and wont explain things to me- so I am just going to have to wing it) and I want to do my Louis-meets-Azazel fic but can't until after this and the presentation the week after.
I woke up the other day and realised why I went into further and higher education in the first place. Yes, I enjoy it. Yes, I love learning about my chosen subjects; but really it is all just to delay stepping into the abyss that awaits me. As soon as I step out of education I will fall into this black hole and I don't know if I'll be able to crawl back out of it again. I'm approaching the end of my 2nd year. Uni is going all to quickly and darkness awaits. Frankly, it's terrifying.
And I am coming down with a cold. This is going to be such a fun weekend!
All in all I am not a happy bunny at the moment. Oh well.
I want to read Dead Until Dark and edit my newest poem but I can't because I have this stupid essay due in for Monday (which I still am not clear about- but my teacher is a pile of poo and wont explain things to me- so I am just going to have to wing it) and I want to do my Louis-meets-Azazel fic but can't until after this and the presentation the week after.
I woke up the other day and realised why I went into further and higher education in the first place. Yes, I enjoy it. Yes, I love learning about my chosen subjects; but really it is all just to delay stepping into the abyss that awaits me. As soon as I step out of education I will fall into this black hole and I don't know if I'll be able to crawl back out of it again. I'm approaching the end of my 2nd year. Uni is going all to quickly and darkness awaits. Frankly, it's terrifying.
And I am coming down with a cold. This is going to be such a fun weekend!
All in all I am not a happy bunny at the moment. Oh well.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Last night was very good. I didn't dance as I hadn't had nearly enough to drink (although I was drunk enough to continuously poke the security guard in the bum ((not that kind of poking, you sickos)). For some reason this amused me, but I woke up thinking 'Why the hell did I do that?'). We went home at around 3ish, half-carrying Roisin and watched Garth Marenghi's Darkplace for a bit.
I have my ficathon prompt (contest in which you choose one character and then are given another character from a seperate fandom and have to make them meet- a bit like consequences I suppose). I chose Louis de Point du Lac and was given Azazel, so this should be interesting. I was hoping to get a really cracky character, but I can make this one very dark. I can always add an element of crack in there if I want to. Vampire meets demon; anything could happen, surely?
This is the link, although you can not sign up anymore.
I have my ficathon prompt (contest in which you choose one character and then are given another character from a seperate fandom and have to make them meet- a bit like consequences I suppose). I chose Louis de Point du Lac and was given Azazel, so this should be interesting. I was hoping to get a really cracky character, but I can make this one very dark. I can always add an element of crack in there if I want to. Vampire meets demon; anything could happen, surely?
This is the link, although you can not sign up anymore.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Shipping a Slash (or slashing a ship)
I am going out later. This is good. I hardly ever go out because I am half a hermit.
I am reading about Norse myth at the moment, it's very interesting. I bought a book on it a few years ago, which I never opened until I pulled it out of the cupboard yesterday.
Also, I realised that you can not ship a slash. Shipping means supporting a heterosexual relationship, slash refers to a homosexual one. Although I'll probably use both terms regardless. Depends.
I like the idea of slashing a ship. Ruining the ship by creating a far more plausible slash relationship. Yay.
I am reading about Norse myth at the moment, it's very interesting. I bought a book on it a few years ago, which I never opened until I pulled it out of the cupboard yesterday.
Also, I realised that you can not ship a slash. Shipping means supporting a heterosexual relationship, slash refers to a homosexual one. Although I'll probably use both terms regardless. Depends.
I like the idea of slashing a ship. Ruining the ship by creating a far more plausible slash relationship. Yay.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Gentle Tides
I am in the best place ever right now. You know when you've just finished a really amazing story? That feeling is the best feeling in the world. Those few moments when your head is filled with gentle waves as the memories of words lap back into your conciousness before drifting out to foreign lands.
This is one of the best fanfiction stories I have ever read ...
This is one of the best fanfiction stories I have ever read ...
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Obsession & Guilt
I'm posting too much. I apologise.
I feel a little bad for basically telling E.H and E.H2 that everyone hates them. Not for E.H, I doubt he gives a shit, and his voice coming through the floor ("Go on son, get him!") as he's watching football or some other sports game is annoying me, but for E.H2 (I know, this name-concealing thing is confusing). I've upset her, I think. But she hated me anyway; she's always quite rude and makes sneery remarks that you can barely catch under her breath. I really don't like her, but for some reason upsetting her makes me feel bad. It's very silly.
On a plus note, however, I'm writing fanfiction again (this is good for me, but perhaps not so good for anyone who tries to read it); realising the Dean/Castiel ship has made me even more obsessed with the show than I already was.
I feel a little bad for basically telling E.H and E.H2 that everyone hates them. Not for E.H, I doubt he gives a shit, and his voice coming through the floor ("Go on son, get him!") as he's watching football or some other sports game is annoying me, but for E.H2 (I know, this name-concealing thing is confusing). I've upset her, I think. But she hated me anyway; she's always quite rude and makes sneery remarks that you can barely catch under her breath. I really don't like her, but for some reason upsetting her makes me feel bad. It's very silly.
On a plus note, however, I'm writing fanfiction again (this is good for me, but perhaps not so good for anyone who tries to read it); realising the Dean/Castiel ship has made me even more obsessed with the show than I already was.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
My Ship
This is the last one today; I promise.
I've found my Supernatural ship. I've read Sam/Dean, but I guess the incest thing doesn't work for me. Plus it makes it a little out of character a lot of the time.
I can't believe I didn't realise it before, but Dean/Castiel works incredibly well. Just take a couple of minutes to watch the interaction. You'll see what I mean. Castiel even disobeyed for him! It's love.
I've found my Supernatural ship. I've read Sam/Dean, but I guess the incest thing doesn't work for me. Plus it makes it a little out of character a lot of the time.
I can't believe I didn't realise it before, but Dean/Castiel works incredibly well. Just take a couple of minutes to watch the interaction. You'll see what I mean. Castiel even disobeyed for him! It's love.
A Conversation
Carol, it's not good to anger people whom you have to share living space with. You can't avoid them, you're just making things more awkward. Not to mention Monday's lessons with E.H2. You have to discuss things with her, there's even a possibility you'll have to sit next to her again.
It was awkward anyway. I haven't made things worse.
You appear two-faced. You've basically told them you hate them, yet you're still polite to them.
There's no need to be rude. She wanted to know what the problems we had with them were. I gave her a list. It's up to her whether she wants to make a renewed effort. I'm not going to be horrible to them, that wouldn't help anything. And besides, it comes more naturally to me to be polite than to be rude. If I see them, I say hello. I'm not forcing anything.
They're angry with you.
I'm angry with them. We're all angry with them. They should know that. If no one tells them what they're like then they can't change. An individual progresses or changes through realisations about themselves and the world around them. They seem not to see the world, so it has to be them.
This sucks.
Yeah, it does.
It was awkward anyway. I haven't made things worse.
You appear two-faced. You've basically told them you hate them, yet you're still polite to them.
There's no need to be rude. She wanted to know what the problems we had with them were. I gave her a list. It's up to her whether she wants to make a renewed effort. I'm not going to be horrible to them, that wouldn't help anything. And besides, it comes more naturally to me to be polite than to be rude. If I see them, I say hello. I'm not forcing anything.
They're angry with you.
I'm angry with them. We're all angry with them. They should know that. If no one tells them what they're like then they can't change. An individual progresses or changes through realisations about themselves and the world around them. They seem not to see the world, so it has to be them.
This sucks.
Yeah, it does.
My Bloody Valentine
I bought some cookies and then I sat down to watch the latest episode of supernatural. I then started to wish I hadn't already eaten two. The whole famine thing made me feel really gross. It was amazing, I loved it. But I think that from now on I will only re-watch this episode BEFORE eating.
Can't believe they're going on another break. Because of the olympics. As if I needed another reason to hate sport.
Can't believe they're going on another break. Because of the olympics. As if I needed another reason to hate sport.
Friday, 12 February 2010
My daylight fantasies of attacking my housemates have gone beyond the sunlight. They've entered my nighttime dreams too. This is getting ridiculous.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Poetry, Scones and Tea
Poetry went well on Tuesday. I handed in 'Pogo the Clown'; there was enough criticism to be constructive. I was very nervous, spent most of the lesson frantically doodling. When mine was handed out (they're done anonymously) there was a slight division of opionion. The girl next to me, Charlotte T. shouted out 'Oh my god! It's about a paedophile!' and I don't think I went entirely red so that's an accomplishment right there. It turns out most people don't know about serial killers. John Wayne Gacy was a new name to most; I am a freak. Hooray. But it went well, people liked it. With criticism.
We made scones today. They went well and were yummy ^^. There were 10. We have two left. So we ate about four each.
We made scones today. They went well and were yummy ^^. There were 10. We have two left. So we ate about four each.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Seeing Red
I wasn't going to make this a post, but I can't help myself.
E.H's girlfriend, (who should now be E.H2, but we'll just call her bitch-face) is a total fucking cunt. I hate her. I want her to die. I want to pull her hair out and smash her face in the fridge door.
E.H's girlfriend, (who should now be E.H2, but we'll just call her bitch-face) is a total fucking cunt. I hate her. I want her to die. I want to pull her hair out and smash her face in the fridge door.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Pogo the Clown
Poetry this morning was very good; we read peoples' poems and discussed conventions and whatnot. I wrote one that I may or may not hand in:
Pogo the Clown
I don't know if I should, as people might not get what it's about- I've no idea how many people have a basic knowledge of American serial killers. If I write something better then I'll use that I suppose.
I'm trying to watch a video of 'Dexter', but it still hasn't loaded completely. It would be very annoying if I got halfway through and then couldn't watch the end.
Pogo the Clown
I don't know if I should, as people might not get what it's about- I've no idea how many people have a basic knowledge of American serial killers. If I write something better then I'll use that I suppose.
I'm trying to watch a video of 'Dexter', but it still hasn't loaded completely. It would be very annoying if I got halfway through and then couldn't watch the end.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
In the Garden of Eden
Plan for the day:
Get dressed and go to the shop, buy bread, crisps/chocolate and a smoothie.
Then I am going to come back and watch the new episode of Supernatural ('Swap Meat') after everything is order and I can relax.
I've discovered a new favourite song (:
'In a Gadda Da Vida' by Iron Butterfly:
You only need to watch about five mintues of it though, the song does go on a bit.
I re-watched the episode from the first series of Supernatural, 'Skin' the other day, and I loved how wonderfully this song contrasted with the opening image of the woman bound and bleeding.
They do have some great music on there.
Get dressed and go to the shop, buy bread, crisps/chocolate and a smoothie.
Then I am going to come back and watch the new episode of Supernatural ('Swap Meat') after everything is order and I can relax.
I've discovered a new favourite song (:
'In a Gadda Da Vida' by Iron Butterfly:
You only need to watch about five mintues of it though, the song does go on a bit.
I re-watched the episode from the first series of Supernatural, 'Skin' the other day, and I loved how wonderfully this song contrasted with the opening image of the woman bound and bleeding.
They do have some great music on there.
Friday, 29 January 2010
First Week
The first week of lessons is now over. There was no E.H this week, so it was lovely and peaceful, we actually felt like we wanted to be living here. Now he is back and it is back to the usual bubbling bitterness beneath the skin.
Poetry looks brilliant. Weirdly the second year poetry workshop is the same as the third year advanced workshop, but in a way it's kind of cool. Maybe we'll get better feedback from them since they've been studying a bit longer than we have. We basically get to do things how we want to in that lesson, which sounds great. I have to write a poem for next week and then bring a poem I like every third week and discuss it. Looks like I have weekly homework for all three modules.
Dystopias also looks brilliant. We went to see 'The Road' in the cinema because we are studying the book later on. It was so bleak and desolate. At the risk of sounding like a complete twat, I will say that it was very moving. Really sad. It really plays with the fear of death. Not just an individual death but the idea that everything human will die and there will be nothing left of us at all.
Poetry looks brilliant. Weirdly the second year poetry workshop is the same as the third year advanced workshop, but in a way it's kind of cool. Maybe we'll get better feedback from them since they've been studying a bit longer than we have. We basically get to do things how we want to in that lesson, which sounds great. I have to write a poem for next week and then bring a poem I like every third week and discuss it. Looks like I have weekly homework for all three modules.
Dystopias also looks brilliant. We went to see 'The Road' in the cinema because we are studying the book later on. It was so bleak and desolate. At the risk of sounding like a complete twat, I will say that it was very moving. Really sad. It really plays with the fear of death. Not just an individual death but the idea that everything human will die and there will be nothing left of us at all.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Semester B; Demonology
First lesson of semester B today. It was kind of a waste of time, really. It was meant to be an introduction, but we basically got told the same stuff, e.g. 'don't use this text or that, use this blah blah'. The only things we needed from it was the module handbook (which we could have gotten next week as it took about 5 minutes to skim through it) and finding out our seminar groups, again we could have done that in the proper first lecture or been notified by e-mail. I think I'm just annoyed because I had to get up at 8am after 5 hours of frequently interrupted sleep.
I bought a book today. Plato. Although I didn't really buy the book, I bought the symbol; what the book represents (thanks, Baudrillard). I probably wont even read it, although it did look interesting, and because it is second hand from the uni bookshop it already has helpful annotation scribbled on the pages (:
I've been very interested in demonology and ghosts lately, scribbling down all the cool supernatural stories into a notebook, or book of shadows. I've been looking to do something with that book for a while now.
I'm going out tonight, film and pizza at Roisin's house. Exciting, I know. It was that or go out with Charlotte and her drama friends for drinks, which means feeling awkward and waking up feeling like shit at another 8am tomorrow. It should be good, although it's a shame that these people are all so adverse to horror films. Maybe I should take over 'Imprint', tell them it's a romance. They'd love that.
I bought a book today. Plato. Although I didn't really buy the book, I bought the symbol; what the book represents (thanks, Baudrillard). I probably wont even read it, although it did look interesting, and because it is second hand from the uni bookshop it already has helpful annotation scribbled on the pages (:
I've been very interested in demonology and ghosts lately, scribbling down all the cool supernatural stories into a notebook, or book of shadows. I've been looking to do something with that book for a while now.
I'm going out tonight, film and pizza at Roisin's house. Exciting, I know. It was that or go out with Charlotte and her drama friends for drinks, which means feeling awkward and waking up feeling like shit at another 8am tomorrow. It should be good, although it's a shame that these people are all so adverse to horror films. Maybe I should take over 'Imprint', tell them it's a romance. They'd love that.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
My housemate, Charlotte has the Devonshire flag in her room, or at least a picture of it; so I was wondering what the ones for Somerset and North Somerset were (I still can't decide where my allegiance lies). Somerset's is a bit of a gay looking dragon prancing about with a mace. Avon/North Somerset doesn't really seem to have a flag, but I did find Avon's coat of arms, which is really cool.
I had my last exam today; I don't think it went too badly, which of course means it probably went horrifically and I've failed.
I was actually happy today. There was no reason for it at all (this was even before I'd taken the exam), I just felt so ecstactically happy; everything seemed so beautiful. I don't know why.
Monday, 11 January 2010
E.H. is the biggest twat I have ever known. The enormity of his ego is so vast as to amount to the size of a killer whale, or perhaps even the ocean in which the whale lives. Except nothing can live anywhere near him. Eventually something has to give, and I'm hoping it's his body boken beneath the tires of a large truck.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
E.H mentioned something about culling animals earlier (somehow the conversation had gotten on to hunting). It just made me think about how people will try and convince you that wild animals will over-run if we do not hunt/shoott/kill them, but what about us? We are the worst affliction of this earth; our population rates are so high and will keep on increasing, but no one (except horrible dictators) will give you a lecture on how the human race should be culled to prevent the population over-running the planet.
I'm listening to a sociology lecture online; it really instils a sense of utter futility in a listener. It's about post-modernity and how everything we buy/choose/etc is consumerism. Even religion and lifestyle choice is a consumerism. Choosing to buy clothes without brands is also a kind of branding in itself, like saying 'look at me, I refuse to buy brands'. Buying clothes just because you like them is the same. Your clothing says something about you, it's no longer simply practical. We have all become the upper class when it comes to choice.
I'm listening to a sociology lecture online; it really instils a sense of utter futility in a listener. It's about post-modernity and how everything we buy/choose/etc is consumerism. Even religion and lifestyle choice is a consumerism. Choosing to buy clothes without brands is also a kind of branding in itself, like saying 'look at me, I refuse to buy brands'. Buying clothes just because you like them is the same. Your clothing says something about you, it's no longer simply practical. We have all become the upper class when it comes to choice.
Saturday, 2 January 2010
I planned to go into Bridgwater for New Years, but ended up going to Weston as Jenny was having a sort of gathering at hers. Was quite nice and I finally met Alix's boyfriend after about 3 and a half years.
I'm packing my things up tomorrow (or later today) and going back to Plymouth on Sunday. I haven't done anything this holiday and it has felt like an unusally short one. I haven't even finished reading Frankenstein yet and my exam is on it. Ugh. No revision. No reading. I haven't even been that sociable either.
To be fair I did read Oryx and Crake, but I only finished it because I enjoyed it. And I've done some of my story but it really needs editing and whatnot.
Back to Green House and the Evil Housemate (from now on he will be refferred to as E.H). Not that simply omitting his name conceals his identity. Anyone who knows me will know who I'm talking about, and if he ever found this he would know aswell. Not that that will happen, of course.
I'm packing my things up tomorrow (or later today) and going back to Plymouth on Sunday. I haven't done anything this holiday and it has felt like an unusally short one. I haven't even finished reading Frankenstein yet and my exam is on it. Ugh. No revision. No reading. I haven't even been that sociable either.
To be fair I did read Oryx and Crake, but I only finished it because I enjoyed it. And I've done some of my story but it really needs editing and whatnot.
Back to Green House and the Evil Housemate (from now on he will be refferred to as E.H). Not that simply omitting his name conceals his identity. Anyone who knows me will know who I'm talking about, and if he ever found this he would know aswell. Not that that will happen, of course.
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