Thursday, 31 December 2009

Friends and Folklore

I saw Alice and Fiona yesterday. We went for a cup of tea and then back to mine and watched half of eXistenZ. I'd forgotten how dodgy-looking those pods are. And the bio-ports.

Met up with Jenny and Alix today. I was supposed to meet them at 12 but it ended up being about 3 because I overslept by 4 hours. I'd deliberately gone to bed at half ten and everything so that I could be up early, but my body must have assumed that such an early sleep must have been intended as a nap because I woke up at 2.30 and didn't get back to sleep until about half five.
We watched The Ring, which I haven't seen for ages. It isn't as scary now. Maybe it wasn't that scary the first time round- apart from the phone ringing x_x
I remember it scaring me later, when I was up late one night about a year later. I'd had a lot of coffee.

Alix was talking about werewolves for her story on the walk to the train station. Made me think more about them. I'm sure I remember seeing a documentry about a (fairly) recent case of a serial killer who thought he was a werewolf. Think he only killed at a full moon or something. I vaguely reccolect a reconstruction of him going up some stairs into this woman's flat in his wolf-state. I can't find it on google though. Too many search results and I can't think how to narrow it down.
Actually made me think that maybe my own character doesn't have to have any mythical qualities. I was going to make the brothers immortal, and the younger thinks he is a vampire, but now I think they don't need to be immortal. It might make it better.

New Years eve tomorrow. Or today, because it is quartre past five in the morning now. Great excuse to get really drunk. I don't bother making changes at new years. I never stick to resolutions anyway. And you kind of plan them in advance which just makes me think, why wait for new year? Why not change today. Answer: because I can't be arsed.

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