Monday, 3 May 2010


I got my sociology essay back the other day and was pleased to find that I got 65%, which was a big relief because I'd thought I'd only get something like 53% on it because I barely did any work, didn't include much policy and of course wrote it all the day before it was due in. However, the essay I just handed in will certainly not do as well because my Dystopias lecturer has high standards for work. The fact that we had to make up our own question threw me completely so what I did was far too loosely connected to the crappy question I wrote down. I realised my mistake and tried to change the question to fit the essay better and I think I just made it worse. Hopefully I wont fail, but I guess we'll see.
I went for a walk today. I don't think I've ever even been for a proper walk in Plymouth (meaning one that doesn't involve shopping or bar crawling). It was really nice, although it did sort of highlight the fact that I am terribly unfit. I was only out for about an hour and a half and my legs ache quite a bit now. I guess I'll have to walk more often. I like going for walks, but I'm very lazy.
I wanted to check out some fields I saw at the back of the train station, so I found those and it was through a park and a little wooded area. I could see gravestones glistening in the sunlight through the trees so naturally I made my way toward them, but the graveyard has gates that they lock after 6:30! I was gonna jump over the wall but then a couple of chavily dressed people sat down on the bench table next to the only piece of wall low enough for me to climb over and started having a barbeque so I guess I'll have to go back another time, maybe when the place is actually open. Since when did dead people require visiting hours?